Often use warm water to
clean the face of each.Many teens face oily. Oil that was never cleaned will clog the pores and eventually
Did her best to not hit the vehicle fumes.If you wear a veil or wear a motorcycle helmet that covered the
glass. Better
you use both.
-Try not to eat spicy food.Eating spicy foods can
cause acne. Do a lot of fatty meals (just a little, but not too little,
because the fat in addition to lubricating the joints, is required in
the formation of fat cells in the lungs and brain, the lack of fat can
be harmful to both organs.
Acne is usually due to food
allergies.Most people with acne is
the same as allergic chicken meat and eggs. Try at first to try the
two test foods. if
you are allergic to the food, try to avoid eating meat and chicken-food.
If you do not break out in
the press.These are often
unable to avoid, because it was too annoyed with the acne we often push,
although it is intentional or unintentional. If the push-push acne usually leaves black stains and
pockmarks on the face.
Do not
stress.According to reliable sources of stress can
trigger acne.
Sports often.Heat on the body will
open up the pores in the face and remove dirt from the pores on your
When shampooing sought not on the face.Part of many shampoo
(especially those using protein shampoo that if the skin will cause
Before the shower wash your face with warm water.The water is not too hot because hot water can
break pores in the face. Later
even the skin become red and blistered red half when washed with hot
water. Do not be too rough time there is a flush on the face of acne,
if rinsed with rough will cause injury and ultimately lead to pockmarks
and black spots appear on the face.
How to Eliminate Acne Used
Do not squeeze your pimples,
especially if your hands are not clean because it will only further
meperparah your acne may even lead to other injuries or infections.If injuries occur, you can apply
iodine to prevent infection are ongoing.Try to use herbs in starfruit mash until smooth like
porridge and mix water salt to taste, body scrub also serves as an
astringent that will help minimize the pores are open too wide.Avoid fatty foods and introduce more
vitamin C intake and foods that contain zinc.
That was the tips of our How to Eliminate Acne The former may be
useful for you, and after trying the above tips can show progress and
to eliminate acne and acne scars quickly. Stay
abreast of health tips that we will present other interesting tips that
are not inferior to the former tips How to Eliminate Acne.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Betel Leaves for Health Benefits.
Betel is a plant that only grows in tropical climates, has green leaves and purplish-green rounded stems not flowering. Leaf surface is shiny and stemmed membentung heart with the top tapered.
Our ancestors believed that betel leaves has benefits for the body, and it is true pelitian akhri end this by proving that the medical Betel leaf has many benefits, especially the red betel leaves.
Various content contained in the betel leaf oil include flying (betIephenol), sesquiterpene, starch, diatase, sugar and tannic substances which have the power and kavikol deadly germs, antioxidants and fungicides, anti-fungal. health of the active ingredients in addition to phenol and kavikol contained in the betel bladder can be used as a pesticide to control plant-sucking pests.
Here are some health benefits for the betel leaves, please scrutiny.
Benefits of Betel Leaves:A. For Treating NosebleedsBleeding must be very annoying, especially when this happens is important, but still able to cope with the betel leaf mimiasan way out betel leaf oil by rolling, after that insert into the nose. this can clog the blood coming out from nosebleed.
2. Eliminating Bad BreathBad breath will lower your self confidence and all the people would not want to have bad breath to eliminate bad breath with how to prepare a betel leaf betel leaves, washed, and then chew for a few minutes. Do this for 2-3 times a day. but most people do not like the smell of betel leaf, the solution you can use boiling water to rinse the betel leaf.
3. For Coughto make use of betel leaf in cough remedies Prepare 5 betel leaves, clove seeds 11, 11 seeds cubeb, and 11 cardamom seeds, cinnamon and the size of a finger. Wash and boil the ingredients into 2 cups of water. Wait until the water remaining 1.5 cups. Filtered water and drink 3 times a day.
4. Whitish treatThis time tips for women who experience vaginal discharge if you included?, If so then how is the Boil 7 to 10 betel leaves with 2.5 liters of water and wait until boiling. Then, after the warm water, use it to wash and cleanse your intimate area repeatedly.
How To Take Care Natural face.
Perlu anda perhatikan penggunaan kosmetik yang berlebihan juga tidak baik untuk wajah, karena kosmetik itu sendiri banyak mengandung bahan kimia. apalagi jika anda memiliki wajah berjerawat maka sangat disarankan untuk menggunakan kosmetik berbahan organik agar tidak menimbulkan masalah di kemudian hari. kosmetik berbahan organik ini sangat baik untuk merawat wajah karena berbahan alami.
bagi anda yang ingin mendapatkan wajah putih bersih dan tentunya bebas dari masalah jerawat maka silahkan disimak berikut Cara Merawat Wajah selengkapnya.
Cara Merawat Wajah Secara Alami
1. Bersihakan wajah anda sebelum tidur. hal ini dilakukan untuk membersihkan wajah anda dari kotoran atau sisa kosmetik yang menempel yang dapat memicu munculnya jerawat atau komedo atau bahkan dapat membuat kulit wajah menjadi kusam.
2. Rajinlah untuk menggunakan masker bengkoang dengan campuran putih telur minimal seminggu sekali, ini bisa membuat Wajah anda terlihat semakin cerah dan halus.
3. biasakan untuk mencuci wajah setelah beraktifitas terutama setelah bepergian. hal ini dilakukan untuk menghilangkan kotoran dan debu yang menempel pada kulit wajah anda.
4. luangkanlah waktu anda sebentar untuk memijat kulit wajah dengan lembut selama 2 menit pada malam hari, untuk menghilangkan keletihan pada wajah dan hal ini dapat memberikan warna kulit wajah yang lebih cerah.
5. Pakailah pelembab yang dapat melindungi kulit wajah dari sinar matahari. tentunya ini dilakukan pada saat anda ingin bepergian.
6. Rajin mengkonsumsi vitamin E. vitamin E adalah vitamin yang mampu menjaga kesehatan kulit dari dalam.
7. Menggunakan krim anti aging. disarankan untuk menggunakan krim yang mengandung retinoid karena krim ini kaya vitamin A yang dapat mencegah kerusakan kulit karena sinar matahari.
8. Jika anda mempunyai jerawat atau komedo, ingat jangan pernah memencet jerawat atau komedo anda, karena hal ini akan menyebabkan iritasi pada kulit wajah.
bagi anda yang ingin mendapatkan wajah putih bersih dan tentunya bebas dari masalah jerawat maka silahkan disimak berikut Cara Merawat Wajah selengkapnya.
Cara Merawat Wajah Secara Alami
1. Bersihakan wajah anda sebelum tidur. hal ini dilakukan untuk membersihkan wajah anda dari kotoran atau sisa kosmetik yang menempel yang dapat memicu munculnya jerawat atau komedo atau bahkan dapat membuat kulit wajah menjadi kusam.
2. Rajinlah untuk menggunakan masker bengkoang dengan campuran putih telur minimal seminggu sekali, ini bisa membuat Wajah anda terlihat semakin cerah dan halus.
3. biasakan untuk mencuci wajah setelah beraktifitas terutama setelah bepergian. hal ini dilakukan untuk menghilangkan kotoran dan debu yang menempel pada kulit wajah anda.
4. luangkanlah waktu anda sebentar untuk memijat kulit wajah dengan lembut selama 2 menit pada malam hari, untuk menghilangkan keletihan pada wajah dan hal ini dapat memberikan warna kulit wajah yang lebih cerah.
5. Pakailah pelembab yang dapat melindungi kulit wajah dari sinar matahari. tentunya ini dilakukan pada saat anda ingin bepergian.
6. Rajin mengkonsumsi vitamin E. vitamin E adalah vitamin yang mampu menjaga kesehatan kulit dari dalam.
7. Menggunakan krim anti aging. disarankan untuk menggunakan krim yang mengandung retinoid karena krim ini kaya vitamin A yang dapat mencegah kerusakan kulit karena sinar matahari.
8. Jika anda mempunyai jerawat atau komedo, ingat jangan pernah memencet jerawat atau komedo anda, karena hal ini akan menyebabkan iritasi pada kulit wajah.
how to get rid of dandruff naturally
is the excessive flaking of dead skin cells from the scalp. cells
are actually dead and flaking skin are common and normal, but it is
becoming excessive in some people. When accompanied by redness and irritation of
the dandruff can be a symptom of seborrheic dermatitis or psoriasis.Dandruff affects many people who live in tropical climates
such as Indonesia, with high temperatures and humidity. Dandruff
is often strikes people who have oily skin and dandruff occurs mostly in
men aged 30 - 40 years.In
addition to climatic factors and oily skin that I sebtkan above, other
factors that could cause the occurrence of dandruff include: the use of
sprays and hair oil, cold weather, rarely washing hair, shampoo is not
suitable, less clean rinsing shampoo, diet, stress and disturbance hormone.well for those of you that dandruff, you can do some How
to Eliminate Dandruff below.How to Eliminate Dandruff:A. Soda CakeBahasai your hair (a little), take a handful of baking soda and
then rub it into your scalp evenly, then rinse thoroughly. do this regularly, and
you should know the early symptoms that might arise from the way it is
your hair will feel dry, but after a week of use your hair will become
soft again, and of course your dandruff will disappear.2. LemonPour 2
tablespoons lime juice in your head. Squeeze, squeeze your hair and scalp. Take a glass of water and
add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice into it, then siramkanlah to your hair. Rinse with water
after a few minutes. Repeat several times until your
dandruff is completely gone.3. Aloe Vera.Peel the aloe vera leaves to the rest of the inside of the
meat which is transparent in color. then apply on your scalp evenly.
let stand for 10 minutes then rinse
thoroughly, if you need to use shampoo.4.
VinegarCombine a cup of vinegar
with a cup of water, and pour it on your scalp after a wash, as the
final rinse. Let sit and then rinse with clean water.5. A mixture of Olive Oil and Almond OilCombine 2
tablespoons olive oil with 1 tablespoon almond oil, then rub on your
scalp evenly. let stand for 15 minutes, then rinse the hair oil is
clean, perform regularly at least 2x a
How To Take Care Nails Naturally
The easiest thing to do is to always
maintain the cleanliness of the nail itself, it can be done by way of
frequent hand washing or cutting nails regularly. In addition to keeping your nails clean of course you also
need to do some nail care, nail because every person has a different
Healthy nails are usually more powerful and certainly not easy to peel, many people are willing to spend lots of money for Caring for nails to keep it looking healthy and beautiful, and you know this Nail Care can also do in a natural way without spending much money on the materials required materials are also widely available around you. and here are some ways you can do to take care of your nails, please scrutiny More Ways Nail Care.
How To Take Care Nails NaturallyA. Aloe VeraAloe vera has many benefits besides good to Caring for Your Hair can also use aloe vera for nails. how: berishkan aloe vera and apply evenly on your nails, do this treatment on a regular basis then your nails will look more beautiful and clear.
2. LemonThe yellow nail problems are easily found and if you experience this problem you can use lemon to get the beautiful nails. How: prepare lemon juice, and mix 1 tablespoon lemon juice to toothpaste (toothpaste is recommended for teeth whitening), stir well and apply on your nails, waiting for it to dry after that you can wash your nails with warm water. do it regularly at least once a week then you will get your nails back to normal color.
3. GarlicGarlic is good for your nails because garlic contains substances that are very useful to strengthen nails, and if you have brittle nails then use garlic to menguatkjan your nails. How: Grate the garlic until smooth, then apply on your nails, wait a few minutes, after that, clean your nails. in addition you can also directly rub garlic on your nails. do on a regular basis then your nails will be stronger and not brittle.
4. A mixture of honey, eggs, and Olive OilIf you have nails dry and lacking nutrients, then these tips are suitable for your own because honey contains emolin which can soften and moisturize the nails. How: Combine 2 tablespoons of honey and olive oil in a saucepan, heat and stir until well blended, then whisk the eggs ready. then mix the honey and olive oil dough with beaten egg. apply on your nails evenly and wait 10-15 minutes, then wipe your nails.
Healthy nails are usually more powerful and certainly not easy to peel, many people are willing to spend lots of money for Caring for nails to keep it looking healthy and beautiful, and you know this Nail Care can also do in a natural way without spending much money on the materials required materials are also widely available around you. and here are some ways you can do to take care of your nails, please scrutiny More Ways Nail Care.
How To Take Care Nails NaturallyA. Aloe VeraAloe vera has many benefits besides good to Caring for Your Hair can also use aloe vera for nails. how: berishkan aloe vera and apply evenly on your nails, do this treatment on a regular basis then your nails will look more beautiful and clear.
2. LemonThe yellow nail problems are easily found and if you experience this problem you can use lemon to get the beautiful nails. How: prepare lemon juice, and mix 1 tablespoon lemon juice to toothpaste (toothpaste is recommended for teeth whitening), stir well and apply on your nails, waiting for it to dry after that you can wash your nails with warm water. do it regularly at least once a week then you will get your nails back to normal color.
3. GarlicGarlic is good for your nails because garlic contains substances that are very useful to strengthen nails, and if you have brittle nails then use garlic to menguatkjan your nails. How: Grate the garlic until smooth, then apply on your nails, wait a few minutes, after that, clean your nails. in addition you can also directly rub garlic on your nails. do on a regular basis then your nails will be stronger and not brittle.
4. A mixture of honey, eggs, and Olive OilIf you have nails dry and lacking nutrients, then these tips are suitable for your own because honey contains emolin which can soften and moisturize the nails. How: Combine 2 tablespoons of honey and olive oil in a saucepan, heat and stir until well blended, then whisk the eggs ready. then mix the honey and olive oil dough with beaten egg. apply on your nails evenly and wait 10-15 minutes, then wipe your nails.
How To Raise Natural Body
Many of us are lacking in confidence because it is caused by a
height which is not ideal, a lot of benefits if you have the ideal
height is evident from some of the championship event such as a scene of
beauty that would require you to have the ideal height.
Be aware, in raising the body there will be differences in the speed or success to everyone because of the growth of their own bodies there are many factors that influence it. As for the factors that influence Height dibwah I will explain this. please scrutiny.
Factors Affecting HeightNutrition: Nutrition is a major factor of growth of the body. therefore make sure your nutritional intake is adequate either protein, vitamins, minerals (like iron, calcium, zinc and iodine)Thyroid hormones are needed in the conduct of the body's metabolic processes. Hormones consisting of estrogen, progesterone and androgen, in charge of the process of sexual maturation. The second function of this hormone stimulates the growth of your bones.Lifestyle: an unhealthy lifestyle would greatly affect the health and this will also greatly affect the growth, say not eat regularly, eating a poor diet, etc..
Well, there are several factors that can affect success in the process of elevation gain. and the following I will give way Raised in my body which is easy to do. provided there is intent must be successful, please be listened to.
How To Raise Body:
A. Sleep is EnoughSleep is a calm state of mind. sleep also regulates your body's ability to grow naturally. sleep 7-8 hours a day on a regular basis and get up early.
2. Eat RegularlyEat regularly, because if you eat irregularly Sitem effect on your metabolism and it will affect your health.
3. Exercise early in the morning of Dayexercise in the morning is very good for health, and to get the ideal height you can exercise such as jogging, basketball, and swimming.
4. Inadequate NutritionAs I mentioned above the main factor in growth is nutrition, inadequate and therefore your nutrition by eating a healthy diet full of nutrition. and do not forget to drink milk contains high calcium and iron.
5. Avoid StressStress is a mental strain that exceeds the usual conditions. Many diseases can be caused by prolonged stress such as abdominal pain, strange dreams, severe allergies, itchy skin, and if this continues it will automatically affect your growth process.
6. Continuously Strive and pray.
Raising Tips Body Well so I can give here. ok do not forget to follow the updates Latest articles from Health Tips, and Good article on How to Raise beneficial to your body.
Be aware, in raising the body there will be differences in the speed or success to everyone because of the growth of their own bodies there are many factors that influence it. As for the factors that influence Height dibwah I will explain this. please scrutiny.
Factors Affecting HeightNutrition: Nutrition is a major factor of growth of the body. therefore make sure your nutritional intake is adequate either protein, vitamins, minerals (like iron, calcium, zinc and iodine)Thyroid hormones are needed in the conduct of the body's metabolic processes. Hormones consisting of estrogen, progesterone and androgen, in charge of the process of sexual maturation. The second function of this hormone stimulates the growth of your bones.Lifestyle: an unhealthy lifestyle would greatly affect the health and this will also greatly affect the growth, say not eat regularly, eating a poor diet, etc..
Well, there are several factors that can affect success in the process of elevation gain. and the following I will give way Raised in my body which is easy to do. provided there is intent must be successful, please be listened to.
How To Raise Body:
A. Sleep is EnoughSleep is a calm state of mind. sleep also regulates your body's ability to grow naturally. sleep 7-8 hours a day on a regular basis and get up early.
2. Eat RegularlyEat regularly, because if you eat irregularly Sitem effect on your metabolism and it will affect your health.
3. Exercise early in the morning of Dayexercise in the morning is very good for health, and to get the ideal height you can exercise such as jogging, basketball, and swimming.
4. Inadequate NutritionAs I mentioned above the main factor in growth is nutrition, inadequate and therefore your nutrition by eating a healthy diet full of nutrition. and do not forget to drink milk contains high calcium and iron.
5. Avoid StressStress is a mental strain that exceeds the usual conditions. Many diseases can be caused by prolonged stress such as abdominal pain, strange dreams, severe allergies, itchy skin, and if this continues it will automatically affect your growth process.
6. Continuously Strive and pray.
Raising Tips Body Well so I can give here. ok do not forget to follow the updates Latest articles from Health Tips, and Good article on How to Raise beneficial to your body.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Easy Way To Stop Smoking
Easy Way To Stop Smoking - Stop Smoking Quick Tips - How to Reduce Smoking. Hello my friend caraterbaru.info loyal blog visitors. This time I present the article entitled The Easy Way To Stop Smoking. Habit of smoking is extremely injurious to health. Many diseases can result from things called cigarettes. Even the active smokers know that smoking is also very dangerous. They know if they are at risk of smoking-saving diseases like lung cancer, emphysema and heart attacks. But even though smokers know about the dangers of smoking, they still smoke cigarettes. Here are some tips for those of you who really want to quit smoking. Tips to Stop Smoking.
Step 1: Choose a day to start quitting smoking
Take a calendar and select the appropriate time to prepare for out of the habit of smoking. It could not hurt to start a quit smoking on the day that you consider the stress level is too high compared to other days, like the days on weekends. Mark your calendar and begin to commit to do so. Cleaning up after the commit was important. Get rid of ashtrays, lighters and cigarettes is the first step for the success of smoking cessation.
Step 2: Predict situations trigger the desire to smoke
Try to predict the circumstances that trigger appears on the first day when quitting smoking. There are times when certain circumstances be a strong incentive to return to smoking. Then write in a special notebook that you have provided. Then look at the first week of the decision to quit smoking. If you can pass the exam on the first seven days, would be a good sign to stop smoking forever. If you find other triggers in the first seven days you quit smoking, immediately wrote the book. Therefore, trigger the desire to smoke again during a regular day by day on the weekends usually always berbeda.Jika you are having trouble making a list of triggers the desire to smoke, then you need 'special observations' on one week prior to the realization of the intention to quit smoking, so you can find out when and why the desire to smoke.
Step 3: Strategic plan for your trigger situations
Now think of any trigger points. What is your main goal of smoking? What is it to fill the time? Reduce stress? Makes you more mature? For example, say the trigger is stress at work and cigarettes help calm you. Then find the solution, what can be done to cope with stress other than smoking? You could try a short break from work, consume water, or try to relax by doing light yoga. For each trigger, write down two or three strategies. Then commit to using that strategy when the situation occurs.
Step 4: Find a support
Quitting smoking will be easier when the people closest to you to assist in the intention to grant you that. Types of support provided in the form of action to ensure there are no cigarettes lying around the house. Or tell you that the family proud of you for all the work done.
After you successfully quit smoking at the first day, try to feel the difference.
A. After 20 minutes, blood pressure and pulse return to normal.
2. After 8 hours, blood oxygen levels return to normal.
3. After 24 hours, the lungs begin to clean the tar buildup.
4. And after 48 hours, the smell and taste a good start to increase.
5. After 72 hours, breathing easier, bronchial tubes to relax and increase energy.
6. Two to 12 weeks, walking and running much easier. After three to nine months, the lungs have room for oxygen up to 10 percent more.
7. At one year, the risk of heart attack decreases by half. Even after 10 years, the risk of lung cancer was also reduced by 50 percent. And in 15 years, your risk of heart attack as those with non-smokers.
Yes so first article entitled The Easy Way To Stop Smoking. Please try and hopefully useful.
Step 1: Choose a day to start quitting smoking
Take a calendar and select the appropriate time to prepare for out of the habit of smoking. It could not hurt to start a quit smoking on the day that you consider the stress level is too high compared to other days, like the days on weekends. Mark your calendar and begin to commit to do so. Cleaning up after the commit was important. Get rid of ashtrays, lighters and cigarettes is the first step for the success of smoking cessation.
Step 2: Predict situations trigger the desire to smoke
Try to predict the circumstances that trigger appears on the first day when quitting smoking. There are times when certain circumstances be a strong incentive to return to smoking. Then write in a special notebook that you have provided. Then look at the first week of the decision to quit smoking. If you can pass the exam on the first seven days, would be a good sign to stop smoking forever. If you find other triggers in the first seven days you quit smoking, immediately wrote the book. Therefore, trigger the desire to smoke again during a regular day by day on the weekends usually always berbeda.Jika you are having trouble making a list of triggers the desire to smoke, then you need 'special observations' on one week prior to the realization of the intention to quit smoking, so you can find out when and why the desire to smoke.
Step 3: Strategic plan for your trigger situations
Now think of any trigger points. What is your main goal of smoking? What is it to fill the time? Reduce stress? Makes you more mature? For example, say the trigger is stress at work and cigarettes help calm you. Then find the solution, what can be done to cope with stress other than smoking? You could try a short break from work, consume water, or try to relax by doing light yoga. For each trigger, write down two or three strategies. Then commit to using that strategy when the situation occurs.
Step 4: Find a support
Quitting smoking will be easier when the people closest to you to assist in the intention to grant you that. Types of support provided in the form of action to ensure there are no cigarettes lying around the house. Or tell you that the family proud of you for all the work done.
After you successfully quit smoking at the first day, try to feel the difference.
A. After 20 minutes, blood pressure and pulse return to normal.
2. After 8 hours, blood oxygen levels return to normal.
3. After 24 hours, the lungs begin to clean the tar buildup.
4. And after 48 hours, the smell and taste a good start to increase.
5. After 72 hours, breathing easier, bronchial tubes to relax and increase energy.
6. Two to 12 weeks, walking and running much easier. After three to nine months, the lungs have room for oxygen up to 10 percent more.
7. At one year, the risk of heart attack decreases by half. Even after 10 years, the risk of lung cancer was also reduced by 50 percent. And in 15 years, your risk of heart attack as those with non-smokers.
Yes so first article entitled The Easy Way To Stop Smoking. Please try and hopefully useful.
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